Doing what I love...

Hi name is Shayla. I live breath and get super excited about life! I love to meet new people, see new places, spend time with family and friends and love the feeling of being motivated about anything...but mainly photography. I love listening to gushy romantic ballads and blasting "teeny bopper" pop tunes in the car. I love anything that sparkles, my favourite colour is blue, I love walking along the beach, I've lived in Germany and caught the travel bug for life. I love to collect scrapbooking paper...but I don't scrapbook. I love chunky fashion rings and I LOVE weddings!!!! I'm currently working with children with disabilities as an Occupational Therapist and am married to a wonderful man called Cameron. We are expecting our first child this year and naturally freaking out...just a little :-)

Why am I telling you this? Because I believe that if you are going to stand in front of someone with a camera, and they want you to stand in a paddock with a donkey, or lie in your wedding dress on the ground, on a golf course (yes I have done this but dang it looks great!), you want to know who they are! If you're going to feel awkward, you may as well have fun while you're at it!

I don't have a flashy website with all the trimmings...yet. But I am 110% passionate about what I do and would love to get excited about your big day with you. I have a bride-to-be friend who I accompanied to a bridal expo say to me once "gee you're more into this than I am!". Yup, it's true...needless to say I think it wore off on her too!

So, enjoy the photos and feel free to drop by for my regular blogging entries about my journey of becoming a professional wedding photographer....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Website!!!

Hi everyone,

My website is complete, up and running. Please refer to Photography by Shayla. Feel free to browse through the galleries, leave a comment or send me an email if you need further information regarding prices and availability, or even if you just want to say hi!

Thanks for dropping by.

Have a great day! :-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The birth of my "other" baby...

My neck is hurting, it's hot and my eyes hurt! These are all symptoms of computeritis. Oh my goodness whoever thought building a website could be so physically exhasting!!! Obviously I am yet to experience labour so I'm sure I will take back this comment in the near future!! :-)

After much searching I found a company I am happy with to help build my new site and now I'm doing the hard work to get it all started. I kind of want to wait for it to be a surprise but I really want to show people my initial page too!!! lol. It's a bit like deciding whether or not to find out the sex of our baby. Which we didn't do. Which means I'm going make people wait for the big moment just like I have to
:-) Do I keep making reference to my pregnancy?? lol. Yup. I can tell it's late. *squinting*

Time for bed! G'night :-)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Something a little bit crazy....

So this weekend I found myself on a beautiful drive down to Wollongong and I thought to myself, "you can't get much better than this!". I think this shoot is probably my favourite one yet. I came home feeling so relaxed, and when you see the pictures of the scenery you will understand why! (and of course the wonderful company of Susan and Mick). These guys were married the day before but wanted to have some fun in the great outdoors. So here is a sneak preview of more to come! They will be up in the next few weeks :-)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finding joy in the journey...

Have you ever been so excited about something you don't know what to do with it?? I think this is the story of my life at the moment. The high that comes from doing a photo shoot or editing the photos and seeing the final results is awesome! It's just it doesn't last long, I'm not addicted :-) It's almost midnight and I can't sleep because I have too many thoughts running through my mind about my business and what I hope to achieve. I just looked at Jasmine's blog again (feel free to check her out, she really has created an individual stance in the wedding photography industry and I love reading her initial entries where she sounded just as confused as what I feel! However I'm reminded to find joy in the journey. It's just as exciting to stumble across a new client, to buy a new lens or get a nice comment as it is to picture having the end result. So...tonight I'll rest my head and enjoy feeling my baby kick inside me knowing that he/she is healthy and I am blessed to live a fulfilling life in the meantime :-)
Shayla xo

ps: Happy Australia Day!

Monday, January 25, 2010

My inspiration...

So I've decided to make this place my regular blogging centre. I've tried to keep things formal and "standard" so it looks professional, but I've decided that's boring. Why not let people get to know a bit about me and what I do?
My inspiration...a lady called Jasmine. I love looking at photographers work from around the world, but this lady intrigues me. She started a blog four years ago from her home town in the USA and today she is known internationally! Of course she has talent, but she is a smart business person with flair and personality. Reading what she writes is addictive, even if it is about her dream kitchen or what her husband gave her for valentines day :-)
I don't have a dream kitchen, but I do have a dream! And that is to do what I love and do it well! My "one line wonder" for 2010 is "Get excited and make things happen!" and that is exactly what I am doing now.
I wish I had of started this a while ago because so much has already happened as I've ventured into the unknown world of photography...convincing my husband that spending half our savings on professional equipment is really worth it, working full-time as an Occupational Therapist and attending TAFE to complete my Cert IV in Photoimaging (all up around 17hrs in the evenings), doing photography work on the side to build a portfolio and meeting with other professionals to gain experience in the field. Every bit of it worth it. I don't need to be known internationally like my friend (I wish!) Jasmine, but I do hope to share my passion with as many people as I can!
Enjoy!! Shayla xo

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sam and Kymberly December 09

This was my 1st interstate wedding, held in Brisbane QLD. Welcome to the humidity! I think I forgot what it was like. I'm used to the dry heat of NSW now :-) I still can't work out which one I prefer.

The wedding day turned out to be beautiful and my 1st since being pregnant AND I was lucky enough to be joined by Cameron my husband who made a wonderful assistant for the day. So it was all very new and exciting. Sam and I have been mates for a while and I was honoured to be able to be their photographer for the day.

It was hard to pick a few photos to share on the blog because Sam and Kymberly had chosen a number of places to take their "creative" shots which was really fun. Lots of variety and they turned out great. You guys make an awesome couple!! I hope you enjoy the photos and I wish you both all the best for the future!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ellen & Regan E-shoot- November 09

These photos were taken on a beautiful property not far from Camden. Ellen and Regan were so easy to work with and lots of fun! The camera loved these guys! Both Ellen and Regan were up for anything which always makes things exciting. They will be married in March next year in Adelaide. All the best guys! xo

Friday, October 9, 2009

Shallon & Kieran's Wedding Day 19th September 09

These are some photos I took from a wedding where I assisted Craig Peihopa from Timeline 101.

I thought this one was pretty cute. She was waiting for her formal shots then looked at me and pulled a random pose :-) Love it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009


Thayer, simple and elegant. My new flyer coming your way!