So I've decided to make this place my regular blogging centre. I've tried to keep things formal and "standard" so it looks professional, but I've decided that's boring. Why not let people get to know a bit about me and what I do?
My inspiration...a lady called Jasmine. I love looking at photographers work from around the world, but this lady intrigues me. She started a blog four years ago from her home town in the USA and today she is known internationally! Of course she has talent, but she is a smart business person with flair and personality. Reading what she writes is addictive, even if it is about her dream kitchen or what her husband gave her for valentines day :-)
I don't have a dream kitchen, but I do have a dream! And that is to do what I love and do it well! My "one line wonder" for 2010 is "Get excited and make things happen!" and that is exactly what I am doing now.
I wish I had of started this a while ago because so much has already happened as I've ventured into the unknown world of photography...convincing my husband that spending half our savings on professional equipment is really worth it, working full-time as an Occupational Therapist and attending TAFE to complete my Cert IV in Photoimaging (all up around 17hrs in the evenings), doing photography work on the side to build a portfolio and meeting with other professionals to gain experience in the field. Every bit of it worth it. I don't need to be known internationally like my friend (I wish!) Jasmine, but I do hope to share my passion with as many people as I can!
Enjoy!! Shayla xo